Colombian Families Are Displaced by Paramilitary Violence

February 27, 2024 Hour: 9:46 am

On Monday, Colombian Ombudsman Carlos Camargo denounced that around 80 Indigenous families from the La Guajira department have been forced to flee from their homes due to clashes between paramilitary groups that have been fighting each other since Saturday.


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“There is anxiety among ethnic and peasant communities due to the escalation of armed conflict in different areas of La Guajira. Therefore, it is imperative to convene the Sub-Committee for Prevention, Protection, and Guarantees of Non-Repetition, not only for Riohacha but also for San Juan del Cesar and Dibulla,” he said.

In the Municipality of San Juan del Cesar, urgent actions are required in towns such as Barcino, Ulago, Sabanangrande, El Machin, La Peña de Los Indios, Achintukua, La Loma del Potrero, Sabana Joaquina, and Siminke.

The Ombudsman’s Office also highlighted that residents of towns like El Caney, La Cueva, Guamaca, La Laguna, Potrerito, and Limoncito are in danger.

The Wiwa Indigenous people had to leave a rural area of the Riohacha municipality for a hamlet in the Barrancas municipality. Camargo emphasized that authorities should take action to implement the necessary actions to prevent, protect, and assist the inhabitants.

Through an early warning, the Ombudsman’s Office denounced that the violence is being generated by the far-right Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AGC), alias Gulf Clan, and the Conquering Self-Defense Forces of the Sierra Nevada (ACSN).

“Minimizing risks to safeguard the lives of populations caught in the middle of the conflict is paramount at this time,” Camargo said.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: Noticias Oceko